break into b2b coaching experience

Tired of hustling as a freelance healthcare marketer, knowing you're capable of more...

But find yourself stuck at the same level no matter how hard you try?

It's time to break through the invisible ceiling and grow your freedom, income and impact.

You’ve worked hard to build your business as a freelance healthcare marketer.

You’re ready to get recognized as a premium service provider,

with the reputation, clients and pricing to match. 

But making that leap has been harder (maybe much harder) than you expected.

You can see the opportunities on the other side, but they’re always slightly out of reach.

Hang on a second... It’s not your fault! And it's not just you.

Many freelancers we talk with are having the exact same experience.

The reality is, the freelance economy has shifted in a big way over the last few years.

Economic uncertainty, layoffs and AI have reshaped the work landscape, and we’re already seeing the effects:

  • Clients are getting more selective about hiring.

  • Companies are turning to generative AI to produce generic content.

  • Once-profitable work has been commoditized.

  • More freelancers are competing for the same number of projects.

The freelancing world has changed forever. Are you changing with it?

You need a game plan to not only future-proof your business, but also to build leverage in a challenging economy.

You need to increase your earning potential to make progress on your goals... whether it’s taking more vacations, buying a home, paying for your kids’ activities, saving for retirement or something else that's important to you. 

Forward-thinking freelancers are focused on...

  • Landing clients who need original, persuasive content created by humans, for humans

  • Positioning themselves as a go-to choice for complex subject matter

  • Becoming valuable thought partners for their clients... not order takers

  • Working on projects and campaigns that support the buyer’s journey and drive revenue

  • Creating a steady stream of leads through effective marketing and sales strategies

Pivoting into a profitable industry niche is the foundation for doing all of this.

Everyone needs healthcare. With an aging global population, those needs will only continue to grow...

and so will the companies working to meet the demand.

Business-to-business (B2B) healthcare is a multibillion-dollar sector chock-full of companies that need strategic content to drive revenue. Just a few examples: medical device companies, equipment suppliers, hospital software vendors and clinical research firms.

These companies are willing to pay professional fees for specialized freelance partners.

B2B healthcare is one of the strongest, fastest-growing niches for freelance writers, communicators and marketers.

It's also tough to break into. Clients are looking for freelancers with specialized knowledge, skills and a portfolio of B2B work.

These things aren't easy or fast to acquire on your own. An experienced guide can help you get there faster and avoid common mistakes. That's exactly what we’ve built with our program.

So what do you Actually need?

You need a focused upskilling program paired with dedicated mentorship.

Imagine having someone to help you see how all the pieces work together,

and ensure you have the skills, knowledge and relationships in place to tap into this niche.

We're Mary + Rachel, and we're dedicated to helping

you break through to the next level of your business... whatever that means for you.

Stellar results... and two new clients so far!

Since taking Mary and Rachel's Break Into B2B course I've seen stellar results. Adding clips created in the course to my portfolio has led to landing two new clients (and I am in talks with a third). Mary and Rachel's thorough knowledge, support and feedback are invaluable. Invest in yourself and take this course!

Sarah Zimmerman

freelance b2b healthcare writer

If you’re a freelancer who wants a piece of the multibillion-dollar B2B healthcare marketing pie,

this is the only business growth program designed exclusively for you…

Break Into B2B program mockup

Break Into B2B Coaching Experience

Program starts October 2, 2023

Now accepting applications

What will I learn in the Break Into B2B Coaching Experience?

Our eight-week accelerator program is 100% focused on learning and applying the core skills you need to succeed in this niche.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Understand and write for a buyer journey

  • Tackle B2B content formats like white papers and e-books

  • Package your portfolio for B2B healthcare clients

  • Find and approach prospective clients in this niche

  • Lead your prospects through a simple-yet-effective sales process

  • Price your services effectively

  • Set the tone for great long-term client relationships

What's inside the Break Into B2B Coaching Experience?

live coaching calls

Get trainings from experts and guest speakers in our weekly group coaching calls. Each call has a specific training focus—pricing, sales, marketing and more–and a Q&A period.

on-demand video library

Access bite-sized and in-depth video content, on topics like B2B marketing techniques and client relationship management, to grow your knowledge and skills at your own pace.

Project assignments

Practice your B2B writing skills, get individualized feedback from us—including an optional live review session—and create relevant samples for your portfolio.

Office hours

Get weekly access to coaching during designated time within our private Slack channel, where we can review your client outreach and pitches.

We designed Break Into B2B after talking with dozens of freelancers, many working in B2C healthcare marketing, who wanted to grow their client rosters and land higher-paying work.

clinicians who want to learn how to speak the language of business and marketing

B2C healthcare copywriters + content writers looking to shift into higher-paying work

freelancers who need

to strengthen their portfolios to appeal

to b2b clients

marketers working to translate their consumer-facing experience to a B2B environment

freelancers who want to know how to find and sell to prospective clients in this niche

"side hustlers" who want to grow their freelance income so they can leave their day jobs

We built the Break Into B2B Coaching Experience to fill the gap in professional development options for freelance business owners in this niche.

Our first cohort of eight students launched in January 2023, and our graduates went on to land thousands of dollars’ worth of client projects in this niche.

This fall, we’re bringing it back in a new format that’s even more interactive and impactful.

What’s the program schedule? 

This 8-week program gives you a head-start on breaking into the B2B healthcare niche in an accelerated time frame.

You should build in time for implementation during and after the program to get the best results.

  • September 2023: Application and enrollment

  • October 2, 2023: Program starts

  • Tuesdays from 1-2 pm ET: Weekly coaching calls (Oct. 3, 10 17, 24, and 31; Nov. 7, 14, 28)

  • Week of November 20: Holiday break; no calls 

  • November 30: Program officially ends

"Well laid out, insightful, with in-depth attention."

After freelancing for a while, I wanted to expand my understanding and break into B2B content. I decided to take the Break Into B2B course, which was well laid out, insightful, and flexible. I learned so much and really appreciate the personal insight that Mary and Rachel shared with me. They really take the time to get to know you and class sizes are small so you can get in-depth attention.

Colleen Kienbaum

Owner of RN with a PEn

You can get these results, too!

Are you one of the next freelance business owners

we get to work with? Let’s find out!

Break Into B2B is accepting 20 new students for the Fall 2023 cohort, launching October 2.

We’d love to hear what you’re up to! We have a few questions to see if we're the right partner for you, and we're happy to answer your questions too. Then we'll reach out to confirm your enrollment.

"I have all the tools I need to get started now."

I wouldn't have had the confidence to approach pitching companies or agencies for this kind of writing for a long time if I hadn't signed up for the course. I have all the tools I need to get started now.

Alex G.

b2b Healthcare writer

Submit your application today!

Mary Tindall +

Rachel Wideman

co-founders of healthcare marketing school

About Your Coaches

Mary Tindall + Rachel Wideman

Mary Tindall founded a freelance content marketing business in 2018. Today, Calliope Communications is a boutique agency with multiple six figures in annual revenue. Mary's team specializes in B2B healthcare content and includes freelancers across North America and beyond. Mary has worked with health systems, healthcare startups and Fortune 500 brands, including Redesign Health, ObvioHealth, Suki, Abbott and Stanford Health Care. She's also coached dozens of freelancers who've launched or grown their own successful businesses.

Rachel has been a nurse for over 15 years. She enjoyed writing as a hobby throughout that time, and several years ago she began writing B2C content for physicians’ blogs. She knew that B2B was the next step to uplevel her career, but she just didn’t know where to start. Mary helped Rachel break into the B2B space and get experience with healthcare clients like Incredible Health, ObvioHealth, Specialty Care Group, PayZen and more.

Now, we’re on a mission to help other freelancers ramp up their careers in B2B healthcare marketing by sharing the lessons we’ve learned.

Adding up the value of Break Into B2B

We get it, you're careful about where you spend your professional development budget.

Here's how the program components add up to create value for your business.



Weekly coaching calls

On-demand video library

Project assignments + critiques

Office hours

Private community:

Freelance job postings:

Sales tools and recordings








Total value: $10,000

Yours for only $997

Imagine yourself heading into 2024 with the confidence and expertise

to land new clients and command higher prices as a premium service provider.

When it comes to your business growth and success, you don't need to go it alone.

Get the targeted coaching and support you need to crack the code without wasting months on guesswork.

With the Break Into B2B Coaching Experience, you get the convenience of an on-demand course, combined with the dynamic feedback and accountability of a coaching program. We're committed to helping you succeed on your terms!

Applications close at 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, September 26!


How much experience do I need?

This program is designed for freelance writers who want to break into the B2B healthcare niche. Ideally, you’ve worked with at least two clients and have at least three published clips. If you have questions about your qualifications and whether this is the right time for you, email us at hello @

Is this a writing course or a business course?

Break Into B2B is a well-rounded program that is weighted more heavily toward business growth. You will get practice writing assignments and learn about B2B writing formats and techniques at a high level. However, honing your writing skills in B2B is a long-term effort. We will provide recommended resources for further learning.

What’s the time commitment for this program?

We’ve designed this program to be immediately actionable, and your success is a result of what you put into it. Plan to spend 2-3 hours per week learning and applying the material.

Is this program in a 1:1 or group format?

You’ll receive 1:1 written feedback on your assignments throughout the program. The calls in the course will be in group format.

How many participants will you have?

We are capping the program at 20 participants to ensure that everyone gets ample attention in the program.

When do applications close?

We’re taking applications immediately and accepting students on a rolling basis. We expect the program to fill quickly.

When is payment due?

Payment is due upon enrollment into the program. For your convenience, we have both pay-in-full and two-payment options.